The tiny being you give birth to becomes the heart and soul of your life. In the flow of love and the desire to give him the best, parents often don’t realize that they have started living their child’s life. For a reality check, just answer some of these questions.
Are you fulfilling your dreams through your child?
Your child wants to learn the guitar but you want him to attend football-coaching classes. Are you asking your child to do all that you always wanted to do in your life ? Don’t pressurize your child to learn or do something he doesn’t want to. And don’t stop him from doing something just because you don’t like it.
Are you making his decisions?
Parents think they being elder and more experienced have the right and ability to make better decisions. But it is more important that your child learns to take decisions, makes mistakes and learn from them rather you making every decision on behalf of him.
Do you ask him to behave the way you want to?
Don’t laugh aloud in front of guests, sing rhymes when some people come over, don’t play with mud these instructions prove how parents set norms for children and don’t let them do what they enjoy or what interests them.
Do you give him freedom of choice?
Often parents impose their choice on their child without considering his moods and desires. Like what should be the time to study, Indian or Chinese food at the restaurant, red or the white dress for the party .Allow your child to follow his heart.
What happens to your child when you live his life?
Unknowingly you are killing your child’s natural abilities, depriving him to come out with his true colours, taking away from him his golden childhood, marring his confidence and independence. And the day when you’ll want your child to live life on his own terms, he’ll be unprepared and incapable.