Motherhood is the most beautiful experience, the greatest right of a woman. At the same
time it is a huge responsibility which makes it the most challenging role in life. While playing this role, mothers often find no time for themselves leading to frustration and in extreme cases even depression. No matter how hard you try to hide, the frustration resulting from meeting the demands of raising a family do become visible in your attitude. But always remember; only a happy mother can raise happy children.
Share your responsibilities with the family: Mothers think only they can take good care of child’s needs. Trust your family members and involve them in bringing up your little one. Your child will get all the love while you’ll get breathing space.
Don’t over-indulge: Don’t be an over protective or be a perfectionist trying to take care of every possible thing. This can be more harmful than do good to your child. Spend quality time rather than being constantly with your child.
Make children independent: Don’t run behind children for food or cater to all their needs.
Let them become self reliant and not depend on you for everything. Engage them in household chores. Utilize the saved time to spend moments of fun and sharing with your child which is the best way to relax.
Take out time for yourself: Do spare a certain amount of time for self indulgence. Take out time to spend the way you want to like take a nap or go out with friends, shop or work out in the gymnasium. This will help you to rejuvenate yourself.
Count the joys of motherhood: Having a child is like a miracle which brings happiness as well as responsibilities. Be mentally prepared to take up those responsibilities. Make a list of good things about having children at the end of each day. I am sure the twinkle in your child’s eyes will make your exasperated sigh break into a smile.