Books are a treasure of knowledge, the most important means to enhance vocabulary, an escape
to a world of imagination, an opportunity to come face to face with your emotions and analyze them. Inculcate in your child love for reading books, for as long as your child likes to explore through books, he will never be short of knowledge and happiness.
Start reading early: Research says that exposure to books should begin as early as when the child is in the womb. At the age of 6 months, a child can actually recognize faces of characters in the books. Introduce your child to the world of books as early as possible.
Choose the right books: Begin with books with large illustrations, simple language. You may give your child touch and feel books. Make facial expressions while reading. With time, you may move on to complex language and deep meaning books.
Read at the right time: The best time is bedtime because the child can concentrate better
and also reading has a relaxing effect. When your child grows up encourage him to reserve a certain amount of time when he can indulge in reading his favorite books.
Consider your child’s interest: Books doesn’t mean knowledge only. Let your child buy books of his choice – from fact to fiction, from encyclopedias to comics. Motivate him to have a library just like he has a collection of toys. Take him to book fair and exhibitions.
Show him the rewards of reading: Hold reading sessions at home with family members or friends. Reading out to them will give him a sense of pride. Show him how books can help him solve quiz in the newspaper or T.V. When he’ll enjoy the fruits of reading, he’ll understand what role books play in his life.
Be on a treasure hunt of books with your child