Candy Shop
Every morning various activities are organized to welcome our little Prideen’s to school. These activities help create an environment making the children feel warm, comfortable and welcomed. With this believe, a beautiful set up of a Candy Shop with cut outs of different types of candies was created .Children dressed up beautifully to welcome their […]
Our Prideen’s of pre-nursery were recently introduced to the concept of up and down and animals around Us. In order to recapitulate these concepts, children recited the rhyme “Do Chuhe The”. Teachers asked them probing questions like –what sound does a mouse make, does the mouse have a tail or not. Children were thereafter engaged […]
Knowing My Fruits and Vegetables
To familiarize children with names of various food items, cut outs of common fruits and vegetables like potato, onion, cauliflower, banana, grapes, apple etc. were created by teachers and placed in a basket. Children were made to sit in a circle and the basket was rotated amongst them. When the music stopped, the child picked […]
My own Spider
Art and craft are fun a time for children. It allows kids to explore ideas and concepts and then express it by making something to keep, entertain others with or simply look at for visual pleasure. It not only keeps them entertained, but also extends a child’s fine motor skills; develop concepts like colour or […]
Keeping with the theme ‘Yummy Food’, children were given exposure to reinforce the names of some of the fruits and vegetables during Circle Time. Teacher prepared cutouts of some of the fruits and vegetables introduced in the class. A ‘Food Bag’ filled with all cutouts was created . During circle time, children were given chance […]