Growing closely with nature is some-what like experiencing the joy of a bird who explores the vast sky. And that is certainly not possible by teaching the child about nature in the confinement of a home or a school. Hence generate experiences where the child gets to observe, question about and explore nature. Nature gives […]
Guide and discipline your child’s T.V viewing
Parents always worry about the ill effects of T.V. on the impressionable minds of their children. There is always a rift between parents and children where latter demand for more T.V. time and complain of the restrictions. But the question is – Is T.V. actually a boon or a bane? The answer is obvious – […]
Involve children in household chores
Recently, an American research has revealed that people who did household chores as kids were much better adjusted, developed warmer relationships and led better social and family lives than those who were not given any responsibility or kept away from housework. The connection between housework and future happiness may not be clear immediately, but when […]
Vacations: A time to learn while having fun
Hurray! It’s holiday time. Time to do all the big and even small things you have wanted to do with your child. Instead of getting stuck with the thought that it’s too hot outside or getting irritated with your child’s constant complaints of boredom or demand for more T.V. time, make the vacations an experience […]
Ensure a loving bond between siblings
The top priority of any parent is to ensure the happy, healthy development of their children. This responsibility however, can become extremely frustrating when instead of having a harmonious relationship, siblings start developing feelings of rivalry, hostility and jealously. If a few simple things are kept in mind the situation can be avoided. The arrival […]
Rouse respect for grandparents in your child’s heart
Blessed is a child who experiences the boundless love of grand-parents. This unique bond gives a child immense joy and deep sense of security. The emotional, social and intellectual development of a child is phenomenal when he is brought up in a family with grandparents. It is the responsibility of the parents to guide the […]