A child, like a miracle, brings a drastic change in our life. A change which the whole family looks forward to, a change for which we time and again thank God. This 14th of November, as all the schools and parents wish millions of children a Happy Children’s Day, let us count the reasons why […]
There is something special about your family
A family is special because of the love that flows in it. Develop a culture of love and fun in your family through some of these special traditions. Charts of appreciation: Put up a chart and let your child be in charge of it. Anyone in the family, who feels that a member of the […]
Did you hug your child today?
In the race of life, at times our concerns over run the love for our children. It is not that the love diminishes but we stop expressing it. But hugging your child is as important as giving him meals, and at times even more important. A hug for everyday: You don’t have to look for […]
Help Your Child In Becoming Emotionally Strong
As the child learn to adapt to the world, he undergoes lot of emotions. Growing years can be tough on a child emotionally, especially in today’s time. Recent research says that with growing IQ (intellectual quotient) in children, their EQ (emotional quotient) is deteriorating. It’s difficult for a child to understand his own emotions, whether […]
Express Your Love For Your Child
It should always be remembered that a child’s most vital need is to be cherished, valued, and loved. Thus parents need to realize the importance of heart warming expressions that make the child feel loved. The expression of love is not dependent on exchange of words. It’s an emotion that can be conveyed in various […]
Enhance Your Child’s Personality with Daily Words
Parents are the biggest source of emotional and mental strength for their children. they might not be aware but children look up to them for every little thing from the very beginning. children watch their parents take decisions, handle everyday chores, their behaviour and even the way they talk to others and them. They take […]