Bullying is a negative personality trait which begins to develop at a very young age. Many bullies are insecure children trying to gain attention or fit in within a group or some are just mean with no compassion for others. So if you see your child passing comments on the appearance or behaviour of other […]
Don’t Lable Your Little One As A Problem Child
Labelling a child is almost like putting your child in a box with boundaries hindering his growth and development. Although labels can be positive or negative, tagging your child as a ‘Problem child’ gives a preconceived notion of what he is. It creates an image of your child and affects his psyche to a great […]
Be On A Treasure Hunt Of Books With Your Child?
Books are a treasure of knowledge, the most important means to enhance vocabulary, an escape to a world of imagination, an opportunity to come face to face with your emotions and analyze them. Inculcate in your child love for reading books, for as long as your child likes to explore through books, he will never […]
Are You Living Your Child’s Life?
The tiny being you give birth to becomes the heart and soul of your life. In the flow of love and the desire to give him the best, parents often don’t realize that they have started living their child’s life. For a reality check, just answer some of these questions. Are you fulfilling your dreams […]