Children are not born with values or etiquettes, nor can good behaviour be imposed on them. They develop and acquire it from the environment they are brought up in. Start Early: A child is never too young to learn about obed-ience or good manners. Guide his behaviour right from the beginning. Be a role model: […]
Resolutions for New Year a way to motivate and guide your child
Amidst all the hullabaloo of celebrating New Year, make sure your child absorbs the real message that New Year means resolving to make the coming year different and better from the past one. Let him make resolutions on his own: It’ll be easier and more motivating for the child to follow and achieve resolutions he […]
Quality time with child makes the bond stronger
Quality time is the only time of the day when you are effectively being ‘parents’ to your child. Rest of the time when you are ensuring that your child eats well, wears neat clothes, goes to good school, etc. you are simply taking care of his material needs. Make sure you spend quality time with […]
Respect your child’s privacy
As children grow up, their need to have their own independent space makes parents worry and become suspicious. But parents should understand that growing up is not easy for children. They are in a state of confusion where they are neither adults nor children. And parents’ intrusion at this stage will only create tension between […]
Look beyond punishment
When parents feel their child has done something wrong, they resort to punishment. This punishment maybe in the form of warnings, lectures, threat, sarcasm or worst, hitting the child. And when the child gets upset afterwards, we believe he’ll become alright after sometime. What we don’t realize is the extent of damage we might be […]
Friends are essential, not optional for a child’s growth
Friendship is that precious bond which is not imposed on a child but is created and nurtured by the child himself. Friends are indispensable for the child to grow and evolve as a person. It helps him to learn how to socialize and respect other person’s feelings. When friends accept a child, it makes him […]