Every child holds within himself a promise that there is a newer and different way to do things. Otherwise mankind would not invent, innovate and progress further with every generation. As parents, we need to encourage the natural ability of our child to be creative. Give extensive exposure: Introduce your child to all sorts of […]
Encourage your child to participate, regardless of winning of losing
Success is not about winning but being happy with ones abilities and achievements. As parents, how you respond to your child’s attempts in any field will define the word ‘success’ for him and eventually determine the spirit with which he will lead the rest of his life. Therefore, if you want your child to truly […]
Make your child a leader
Leader is someone who believes in his beliefs, someone who doesn’t succumb to the pressure of others, the one who has the ability of independent thinking and the strength of mind to rise in the wake of challenges. Such a quality can only be inculcated through conscious efforts by parents. Give your child freedom to […]
Help your child develop social skills
Human being is a social animal. Hence, social skills play prime role in helping the child dev-elop healthy, consistent and fruitful relationships in life. For this a child’s character needs to be moulded in a way that he understands the importance of social skills and genuinely becomes comfortable and fond of interacting with people. Understand […]
Encourage your child to be an original thinker
Today children are being fed with ready-made information at the school, tuitions, through books, media. In the process, children have stopped looking at fresh angles or wondering that there could also be some other way. Encourage original thinking in your child, for this is one trait that will make him a leader wherever he goes. […]
Give your child the freedom of expression
The most important kind of freedom parents need to give their child is the freedom of expression. It is this freedom to express their feelings and thoughts that will give them the confidence to interact with the world and build relationships in life. May it be joy or anger, love or hate – let your […]