Today children are being fed with ready-made information at the school, tuitions, through books, media. In the process, children have stopped looking at fresh angles or wondering that there could also be some other way. Encourage original thinking in your child, for this is one trait that will make him a leader wherever he goes.
Give room for ideas: If your child spends the whole day with text books and at the tuitions striving to get 90% marks, when would he get the time to think, observe or analyze? Give space and time to your child to generate ideas.
Don’t set limits for your child: Originality has no limits. It is neither age bound nor area specific. It can come forth in your child’s ability to use words, paint with colors, create music or even solve a problem. Welcome and appreciate your child’s new ideas and suggestions. Encourage him to challenge the usual, ask you questions.
Bring out the genius in your child: Play games which’ll trigger your child’s imagination like making cards, creating own rhymes, making a story out of a series of pictures, inventing games for the party. Encourage him to handle his school assignments and projects the way he thinks is right.
Choose a school that encourages children to think fresh: Opt for a school that allow children to explore, learn through first hand experiences, and acknowedge their new ideas and not believe in spoon feeding knowledge.
Support your little genius: A child can recognize his ingenuity and have the confidence to declare his ideas to the world with aplomb, only when he has his parent’s unconditional sup-port. Da Vinci, Mozart and genius like them could not have made their mark without their parent’s love, support and appreciation. So God has done his job by gifting you a beautiful child. Now it’s your job to bring up a gifted child.