It is said that the relationship of each parent and child is unique. There can be no hard and fast rules to parenting. But there is one common guideline which applies to all parents and child relationships, and that is ‘Cherish your child’s childhood’. Here are a few tips which can help you enjoy your children’s young years.
Your child is perfect as he is: Treasure your child for whatever he or she is. Don’t bemoan the qualities that are not there. Instead enhance the strengths he has. Re-experience your childhood with your kids: Everyone wishes to return to their days of innocence. Our children are nature’s way of making our wish come true.
Behave like a gardener and not a woodcutter: Be gentle with your children. Your job is to lightly trim and shape your child’s naturally personality. Not brutally cut and hew to make him fit a shape of your preference.
Have fun with your children: Splash in a puddle, make mud pies, play ball games, teach them magic tricks. Their child-hood is short. Make it memorable.
Spend as much time as you can with them: This is the time they really need you and your loving guidance.