In the race of life, at times our concerns over run the love for our children. It is not that the love diminishes but we stop expressing it. But hugging your child is as important as giving him meals, and at times even more important.
A hug for everyday: You don’t have to look for a reason to hug your child. Don’t wait till your child’s birthday or till he scores good marks or gets home a trophy. Hug him even when there is no reason. For no reason can be bigger than love.
A hug for every age: Where chubby little children get kisses and hugs like their daily dose of milk, it’s when children grow up parents think may be it’s alright to skip hugs from the routine. But children need and love hugs, at all age.
A hug for confidence: Your child will feel wanted, cherished, and important whenever you hug him. This kind of expression of love by parents adds to the child’s confidence and self esteem.
A hug for misunderstandings: When things go wrong, a hug can say more than a thousand words. This heart to heart non- verbal form of communication always works and is never misunderstood.
A hug for love: Cuddle your child, embrace him in your arms to show your love without having to say ‘I love you’. Your child will also learn to express his love and develop a loving and caring nature. When you love your child so much, you might as well express it too.