If a parent is asked ‘Do you love your child?’, he’ll probably not bother to give the obvious answer.
So when you love your child, why not express it too? It is the selfless, boundless love between parents and the child that makes it so special. And when it is expressed it makes the relationship very special.
Don’t assume that your child knows that you love him: Parents presume that their child knows that he is loved. They argue in their minds ‘everything what we do is for him. Cooking meals, buying clothes, taking him out on Sundays, letting him have his favorite ice cream… can’t he see how much we love him’. No denying that this is the love of parents but there is a difference between knowing that you are loved and feeling loved.
Make your child feel that he is loved: In words or hugs or even by writing short notes and lett-
ers, tell your child that you love him. Not once but as many times as you feel like. No child is bored to hear over and over again that his parents love him. Even today, you like to hear those three golden words ‘I love you’ from your parents.
Expressing your love will make your child feel cherished: Love of parents makes the child
feel important, wanted and secure. Your hugs and words will add to your child’s self-esteem and boost his confidence. These loving gestures will rem-ind him all the time that no matter what his parents will always be there.
Expressing will make your child expressive: The tradition of expressing is passed on to the children also. Parents being role models, children too learn to express their feelings and not shy from giving words to their emotions. Being open about their feelings will become a way of their life.
Your relationship will never be the same before: Resolve that you’ll hug your child at lea-st once during the day and that you’ll tell him that you love him before you go to sleep. Do that and you’ll see your relationship is much stronger and more beautiful than before. And the day your child will respond with a hug or murmur ‘I love you too’ in your ears or simply grin at you feeling at the top of the world, you’ll understand what was missing.