Parents are the biggest source of emotional and mental strength for their children. they might not be aware but children look up to them for every little thing from the very beginning. children watch their parents take decisions, handle everyday chores, their behaviour and even the way they talk to others and them. They take a negative or a positive feedback that has a constant impact on their lives. Therefore, we as parents must ensure that we are equipped completely to become the best role models, mentors and teachers for our children.
Since the children take an account of something as little as the way in which we communicate with them, we should be careful with the words we use while conversing with them on everyday basis. Use of these ten simple words/phrases will not only instill confidence and increase your budding child’s self respect but also make him a thoughtful individual.
Thank you: Acknowledge your child’s every little effort, which he makes to help you or others. It gives him a sense of pride and makes him feel important.
Please: The word acknowledges the fact that you require somebody’s favour. It will be pleasure for your little one to know that his behaviour could be of a help to you or make you happy.
You can do it: When your child is unable to do an activity, this ‘magical’ phrase will show him your confidence in him and empower and encourage him at once to see through challenges in life.
How can I help: Let your child know that he is not alone and you are available for him at all times.
Let’s get together: It is important for your child to understand the significance of teamwork from an early age. Also the togetherness in the family will make the child an emotionally strong individual and create fond memories for him.
Tell me more: Show your child that you are interested in whatever he is telling you and you would like to listen more. It encourages the conversation further without passing a judgment or giving immediate advice-the two things that can prove to be a discouragement for your child.
How about a hug: Physical touch is the best way to show your child that you love him. It makes him feel secure and protected.
Good job: Everyone loves to be appreciated. Praise your child as much as possible but genuinely. It acts as a booster and helps in increasing his confidence and identifying his strengths.
It’s time to… It is important for a child to learn to structure his life. A regular schedule will help him manage his crucial works later in life.
I love you: We should not expect our children to know and understand our love unless we convey it to them. Every child needs love, affection and acceptance. A life full of love is significant in shaping a child’s healthy personality.