It should always be remembered that a child’s most vital need is to be cherished, valued, and loved. Thus parents need to realize the importance of heart warming expressions that make the child feel loved. The expression of love is not dependent on exchange of words. It’s an emotion that can be conveyed in various ways and in various forms.
- Give your child your attention – Listen to your child with your eyes, ears and heart when he shares his thoughts and feelings. This will make you become a part of his life. Giving attention means saying I care.
- Discipline your child with love – Inculcate principles and establish rules by showing disapproval towards the acts and not towards the child. Be firm but not harsh.
- Encourage your child – Your encouragement will build up your child’s confidence and self-esteem. Praise your child whenever he makes an effort, irrespective of the results and support him in his dreams and aspirations. This will build his trust in himself.
- Share with your child – While you become a part of his life, it’s also necessary to make him a part of yours. Talk to your child; tell him about your day at office, your future plans and how he can contribute his bit.
- Give unconditional love and support – Love your child for who he is and not for what he does.
- Let him know that you love him in any situation. This will make your child feel safe and secure no matter what happens in life.
- Imbibe some expressions of love and care in your busy schedule and strengthen your bond with your child.
- Make saying ‘I love you’ a routine part of your day. Say it after the meal, before you go to sleep and after you wake up.
- Use the expression of ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you’ when you talk to your child.
- Respond to his queries or hug your child promptly when he is sad.
- Cuddle up with your child. Slip in under his blanket for few minutes as you wish him goodnight.
- Share an activity together. Go for a football game or watch his favorite cartoon series together.
- Appreciate and compliment your child. Do not miss an opportunity to give a pat on his back or express what you like about him.