Knowledge, guidance, wisdom, inspiration a child gets all this from his teachers. And all this can transform your child and his life. But this can only happen when your child trusts and respects his teachers. You, as parents, can play a crucial role in developing in your child a deep respect for his teachers.
Don’t contradict the teacher in front of your child: If the teacher has made some error or when you disagree with him, don’t ever criticize or contradict him in front of the child. Talk to the teacher privately and before that do remember, teachers too are human beings.
Don’t judge the teacher accord-ing to your child’s opinions: Children may come with complaints about the teacher’s behavior or his teaching methods which may be a misinterpretation of your child. Find out the reasons, discuss with the teacher and your child. This will encourage your child to have open communication rather than complain about his teachers.
Discourage your child from talking disrespectfully about his teachers: Calling names, making fun of clothes, imitating teachers is readily accepted by parents as a part of growing up. But this shows the regard your child has for his teachers and how much he respects his authority. Bring back his focus on the role the teacher plays in his life.
Understand your child’s tea-chers yourself: Always be in touch with your child’s teachers, understand his app-roach, philosophy, express your concerns so that you both can work in tandem for the child’s growth.
Encourage your child to not only respect his teachers but also show it: A flower on teacher’s birthday, a card on Teacher’s Day, a ‘thank you’ note will build a bond of love between the teacher and your child. Teaching will become much more interesting for the teacher and so will learning for your child.