Recently, an American research has revealed that people who did household chores as kids were much better adjusted, developed warmer relationships and led better social and family lives than those who were not given any responsibility or kept away from housework. The connection between housework and future happiness may not be clear immediately, but when one thinks about it, it does make sense in many ways. When one really thinks about it, it makes sense in many ways.
Doing small tasks together strengthens the family bond: With the number of families where both parents work increasing, the matter of giving the right amount of attention to children becomes significant. With the child helping you in regular routine tasks after you come home, the time you spend together increases. Intimate talks or affectionate wordless communication can take place while working together harmoniously. Neither does the child nag you for attention nor do you feel frustrated about not giving him enough time.
Doing housework instills a sense of responsibility in the child: It teaches kids how to contribute to family life. They become self-reliant and independent from an early age. Not only do they learn new skills but also learn to share and co-operate, realizing that they are a valued and useful family member.
No child is too small to help: Even a two year old can be taught to carry her dirty plate to the kitchen. As they grow older, they can learn to sort the laundry, learning about colours and sizes in the process. Soon they can fetch and carry, run small errands, make beds or lay the table. You need to organize and plan age-appropriate chores for them so that they grow into skillful, happy and responsible adults.
Show them how instead of telling them what: Try to make every little chore fun. This way the child’s interest will be retained. Break down the task into small parts and demonstrate it one at a time. For instance, show her how to clean her room while telling her about it. “First we make the beds, then we put away the clothes and shoes, then we arrange the toys”. This will make her understand and she’ll be able to manage it herself the next time you ask her to clean her room.
Always shower praise: Appreciate and reward your child’s contribution. Rewards can be in the form of hugs or small treats but never give money as bribe. This will send out completely wrong signals. Praise her work or tell others about it in her hearing. This will reinforce positive feelings.