Modern parents are debating with the question whether one child is enough or not. Stress at work, busy schedules, fast paced ambitious life often make young parents think that why the need of another. Research says that only children have their own advantages and disadvantages while children with siblings have their own. So the answer cannot be in yes or no. Based on various factors, it is a call you have to take.
Only child may or may not be a lonely child: Some children are happy with themselves.
The peer group or the joint family may keep a child busy with his age level activities.
But some children, in spite of the peer group or in its absence, may crave for company.
See what signs does your child show.
Only child may or may not learn to share: Sharing love, attention, things, and space is something that siblings learn at young age. In absence of a sibling, it might become difficult for the child to adjust and attain social skills. It is not necessary that a sibling is must to learn how to share but the skill comes naturally to children with siblings.
Only child is usually an overpro-tected child: No matter how hard parents try, but only child is bound to be protected by them. The child also becomes used to being cared all the time. Overindulgence in a single child is also inevitable and the child begins to think that he can get all
that he wants in this world. When attention and love is divided between two children, parenting becomes balanced.
Becoming a parent for the second time is easier and more fun: The reproduction period is nine months, delivery pain is the same, the sleepless nights will be there but still it’ll be easier bringing up the second child. Because you will be a stronger parent. Having learnt from the first experience, you’ll know your mistakes and you’ll act more maturely. Thus you’ll enjoy parenthood all the more.
The first child was for you, the second one is for the first: Parents often reason out that they
are satisfied with one child. But what about the satisfaction of the child? What about his right
to experience the beautiful strong bond of a brother and a sister? The child doesn’t even know
what is missing but you for sure know what can bring excitement in his life. So while you toy with
the decision to have or not to have, remember you’ll have another child not for yourself but for
your child.
Reasons might stop you from having another child, but the moment you conceive a life you’ll realize you had been waiting for it. And when you’ll break the news to your child, the happiness on his face will tell you that you took the right decision.