If early man hadn’t been curious about the stone that created sparks and hadn’t decided to explore the uses of fire, there wouldn’t be any rockets to Mars today. Children are naturally curious. We need to encourage them to explore so that they can discover and achieve their full potential.
Start Early: Even infants love games like peek-a-boo. Toddlers love discovering toys you hide and then let them find. An early start will make your child more aware and curious.
Don’t say ‘don’t’ all the time: Continuous instructions like don’t do that, don’t go there; can make your child afraid to explore. Instead teach him to be careful and show him things yourself.
Never ignore questions: Give him clear and age appropriate answers. If you are busy, then tell him so and answer him later. Satisfy his curiosity.
Create a special play area: Create a place with lots of different toys, safe scissors, materials, glue, colours, pictures, even kitchen utensils. Let him explore and do what he wants to do with them.
Share the joy of discovery: Take him with you to the zoo, market, planetarium and museum. Go for nature walks together.