For parents, children are some-one who needs to be protected, taken care of; require guidance but never someone they can depend upon. This is the reason why you’ll ask an outsider to help you but never your own child. But trust children are really capable to do more than we think. And each time you ask for their help, it’ll add to his confidence and enhance his self esteem.
Ask your child to help you to manage the house: Keeping a track of Grandma’s medicines, noting down numbers in the directory, fetching the plumber when the pipes leak entrust your child with small tasks so that he knows he is the little head of the family.
Ask help in managing events: Seek help from your child to decorate the drawing room for the party, make the guests feel comfortable, make games or even buy gifts. It’ll definitely make your child feel proud of himself.
Ask for help in the kitchen: It is great fun for children to help their mothers in segregating fruits and vegetables, cutting sandwiches, pouring batter into the moulds. Ask your child to join you and overlook the little mess they may tend to make.
Ask his help to handle his own work: When your child demands you to feed him, dress him up, feed his fish, stack his toys, and tell him it’ll be a lot of help if he can manage his things. Reward him whenever he helps himself.
Ask his help to make decisions: While you shop for your child’s clothes or fix the menu for the day or decide which hobby class he should join during summer vacations, ask your child to help you in reaching certain decisions. You’ll be elated to see how your seeking help has transformed your child into an independent and confident person. And you’ll be amazed to discover how dependable your child can be.