Your child can have a wonderful relationship with life only if he has a wonderful relationship with himself. If your child doesn’t love himself, he will not have the ability to give love. If he keeps on demeaning himself, he might become successful but will never feel powerful. Thus the most important thing parents should provide their children is ‘self- worth’.
You and only you have the power to build your child’s self- worth: It is you, no one outside or any achievement that can build your child’s self worth. Tell your child is an achiever, and he’ll be. Tell him he is a loser, and he’ll lose all the battles of his life. Your child will identify himself by not what he feels he is, but by what label his parents have given him.
Accept your child with his all his strengths and weaknesses: Every child is unique. Each child has his own set of qualities, so there is no question of comparison. Don’t expect your child to have all the traits you want. Only when you accept your child in totality, you’ll be able to love him unconditionally.
Condemn your child’s behavior, not him: While helping our child identify what is wrong, invariably we start criticizing the child. If your child picks up a fight, counsel him that fighting is something unacceptable instead of criticizing him for being ‘aggressive’ or ‘insensitive’. Motivate him to give up the wrong behavior and not discourage him into blaming himself.
Be your child’s confidence booster: Appreciate your child whenever you see him doing something right. Be lavish and honest in your praise. Create opportunities to boost his self esteem. Like seek his help in household chores and then reward him. Enroll him into a recreation of his choice may be dancing or swimming and then applaud him. Remember, praise a child on his progress and do not wait till he does something perfectly.
Be proud of your child: Express your love for your child. Let him know how much joy he has brought in your life .Hug him, spend time with him, do little things to make him feel cherished. Let your child always receive positive vibrations from you that he is someone precious. Then your child will believe that he is someone who is lovable and huggable.