Children are not born with values or etiquettes, nor can good behaviour be imposed on them. They develop and acquire it from the environment they are brought up in.
Start Early: A child is never too young to learn about obed-ience or good manners. Guide his behaviour right from the beginning.
Be a role model: If you wish your child to be honest, punctual, respect elders, show him in your behaviour. Say sorry when you are wrong. Next time your child will say sorry automatically.
Positive environment at home: Healthy, loving and happy atm-osphere of home cultivates good habits in children.
Positive influence of outside environment: The company a child keeps, the kind of books or the programmes on T.V. a child watches affect a child’s way of thinking and thus his behaviour.
Maintain a balance of firmness and politeness: Nurturing good behaviour demands lots of patience. Be firm but friendly when a certain kind of behaviour is unacceptable. Let your child not fear your authority but follow it willingly for his own sake.