As parents, being conscious of your child’s well being is natural. But check yourself if this concern exceeds its limits and takes the shape of overprotection. For this can alter your child’s impressionable mind and thus hamper his whole personality.
Don’t say don’t all the time: At times parents fear too much about their child’s physical safety. They don’t let them walk without holding finger, or play on swings on their own or jump on sofa lest they fall and get hurt. This attitude may save your child from getting a few scratches but mar his
independence and confidence forever.
Let children be themselves: Parents often forbid their child to play with mud, clay or water worrying they’ll get dirty or become sick. But this is the way children have fun, explore new things and grow into happy confident adults.
Your anxiety passes on to the child: When parents worry and issue a set of instructions to their child while going out on excursions or on adventurous camps, children also get anxious and conscious of their every move. Let children enjoy and live life to the hilt.
Overprotection weakens a child’s mental strength: An environment of overprotection has everlasting influence on child’s personality whereby a child is unable to deal with the challenges of life. Such children always fear to experiment, and are thus always followers and never leaders.
Trust your child’s ability to handle their life: Let your child experience life in every way and learn from his mistakes. Remember, just guide your child from your experiences but don’t live his life. Let him have his share of ups and downs and emerge strong.