Motherhood is the most beautiful experience, the greatest right of a woman. At the same time it is the most challenging role of life. A child, along with joys, brings responsibilities and fulfilling them may lead to frustration. Needless to say this will incapacitate you as a mother and your unhappiness will affect your precious little one. So be mentally prepared before you bring a tiny soul into this world.
Ask yourself ‘are you ready for a child?’: Bearing a child leads to emotional and physical changes.
It also means changes in the routine and resetting of priorities. Ready yourself or a life after all
these changes. Becoming a mother doesn’t mean ‘sacrificing’ yourself: Girls generally feel anxious
that motherhood would take away their freedom. Well it definitely means you need to strike a balance but if you wish you can pursue your career, your hobbies, or fulfill your desire to chill out with friends. Infact, every mother should do everything that keeps her happy for that will keep
the child happy.
Bringing up a child is not solely the responsibility of a mother: A mother indeed plays the most vital role but yet it’s the whole family which collectively brings up a child. Enroll your husband and rest of the members of the family to contribute in nurturing the little one and don’t be a perfectionist who wants to take care of each everything of the child.
Collect information about children: Read books on child rearing, talk to mothers about their experience, seek advice from your doctor. It’ll make you aware of your responsibilities, help you plan and settle your anxieties.
Count the joys of motherhood: If there will be sleepless nights, there’ll be days when your child
will make you laugh with his toothless smile. If there’ll be tantrums, there will also be warm hugs and pure love. There is no way that any pain can overpower the eternal joy a child brings in the life of a woman.