Does your child prefer sitting alone rather than indulging in jumping around at a birthday
party with the rest of the group? Does he refrain from expressing? Feels more comfortable when with a book than with people? Thinks before taking action? Yes, you have a child who is an introvert. But there is nothing to worry, just be present to the fact and work gently towards helping him grow into a balanced personality.
Being introvert child is perfectly normal: First of all, do understand that being introvert is a behavioural trait and not an abnormality. Big names like Bill Gates, Albert Einstein and Steven Spielberg are known to be in-trovert but are leading highly successful lives.
Don’t blame yourself for having an introvert child: Don’t hold yourself responsible for not having done enough to develop your child’s social skills. Introversion may also be genetic. Yes, environment does make a difference but it’s how you react to introversion of your child, which will make all the difference. So, get out of the guilt and move on.
Don’t try to change an introvert child: If you begin to understand that there is nothing wrong in being an introvert, then your focus will not be on how to change the child but on how to give shape and way to his likes and dislikes. Don’t push the child too much other-wise he’ll resist it and make it worse for you as well as him.
Help your child to give direction to his abilities: Encourage your child to follow his interests. For example, if he loves to read, take him for reading sessions. Gradually ask him to read stories aloud to his group of friends. Appreciation and acceptance will boost his self-esteem and make him more comfortable to make friends. Take him to the park, to places of friends, involve him in group activities.
Never condemn a child for being introvert: When you are consciously making an effort to help your child channelize his likes and dislikes, you cannot expect instant results. Be patient and never negate a child telling him ‘Why can’t you be like normal children?’ or ever be sarcastic with him.