Blessed is a child who experiences the boundless love of grand-parents. This unique bond gives a child immense joy and deep sense of security. The emotional, social and intellectual development of a child is phenomenal when he is brought up in a family with grandparents. It is the responsibility of the parents to guide the child so as to why grandparents deserve to be respected.
Time spent with grandpar-ents is invaluable: Create opportunities where your child gets to spend time with his grand-parents. Like sending him to park or the temple or to the super market with them. The love, the stories, the experi-ences from the life, the values shared during this time is
priceless for the child.
You may differ but never dis-respect: You may have a view different from your parents on how to bring up children. But don’t contradict or behave as if they are unwise. This will degrade your image in your child’s mind and he will never under-stand that elders should not be disrespected.
Express love and affection: Guide your child how to greet his grandparents every morning, help them make cards on occasions like birthday or festivals. Tell them how their grandparents take care of them and all they expect in return is love and respect.
Give them their due place: Small gesture like serving food first to the grandparents on the dining table, touching their feet helping them to meet their needs, offering them a seat, giving them importance when there is a party at home or in front of guests are ways one can show respect. Gradually guide your child to make such gestures and help him get closer to his grandparents.
Set an example: Children watch and follow their parents. If you greet your parents, give them importance, seek and respect their advice, express love, they will automatically imbibe this beautiful tradition.