According to WHO, more than 50% of children in India are abused, the rate being the highest in the world. And in majority of the cases, the abuser is a person known to the child. The fact may alarm and depress the parents but let’s look at how we can protect our precious child from the heinous hands of abuse.
Make a few unbreakable rules: Children are naive and innocent. Draw a few boundaries they should know are not be crossed like no talking to strangers or accepting any gifts or eatables nor should the child let anyone he doesn’t know get inside the house.
Keep a vigilant eye: It’s not possible to be constantly with your child but you can always ensure the company your child is keeping. Never leave the child alone with servants of the house, relatives or family friends.
Watch for signs: If the child starts giving undue importance to his private parts or talks about them, don’t snub by saying, ‘Don’t talk that way’. Instead try to find out what he wants to say. Talk to the child about his routine and the people he interacts with.
Educate the child: Till the child grows up, be around for his safety. As he grows, educate him about his private parts and about sex. Don’t be embarrassed to talk about sex. At the same time, don’t scare or make your child over-conscious about his body.
Build a relationship of confidence: Have a relationship of openness, love and trust with your child so that he doesn’t fear or feel ashamed to share any of his experiences with you. Make your child bold, fearless and strong enough to protect himself.
Save your child from abuse