Why is that parents justify that their child is stepping into teenage, so it is quite natural for him to act like a rebel? Isn’t it possible that your teenager listens to you like he did when he was a toddler?
Let him grow out of your shadow: A teenager is desperate and confused so as to how to assert his identity. And when parents on the top of it try to restrict him, give him instructions, he rebels. Parents should accept that their child has grown up and respect his need for freedom.
Respect his privacy: Let your child spend time in his room by himself or with friends, without time and again expressing displeasure about this fact. Don’t ever try to go through his belongings, spy on his friends, or constantly keep track of his whereabouts. This will disturb your child and make him feel that his parents don’t trust him.
Be a friend to your teenager: Develop a relationship where your teenaged child feels comfortable to share his feelings with you – may it be on sex, girls, fear of failure or anything, just like he does with his friends. Open communication is a must if you want to help your child in his teenage.
Give him a strong value system: You can’t tell your child all the time what to do and what not to.
Let his conscience be powerful enough to guide him. A child, who is brought up in a home where culture, traditions & values are respected and followed, can never go astray.
Be there for your teenager: Parents often feel that now their child is too grown up for hugs or there is no need to express love. But teenage is an age when your child needs you even more. Have warm chats, express your understanding, and assure your child that you’ll love him no matter what. These gestures of love and empathy will bring him closer to you.