In order to develop right behaviour of our children, it is necessary to be firm in certain things. But exercise your authority in such a way that the child doesn’t develop a mind which questions ‘why dictate me?’ Therefore be firm but friendly.
Draw a line: Don’t be a constant nagger. See for yourself when it is better to ignore and let the child be him self and when you need to control him.
Be consistent: Don’t be firm according to your moods or whims. What is wrong for your child at one time should always be treated as unacceptable behaviour.
Don’t give in: Don’t let your child manipulate your reactions by throwing tantrums or crying whenever you try to discipline him.
Be united: Parents should put up a united front when it comes to exercising control. Don’t contradict each other in front of the child.
Be logical: Don’t shout or discipline your child by showing anger, it never works. Explain him gently the logic behind your being firm. This way he’ll respect your authority even more.
The art of being firm but polite with children