The most important kind of freedom parents need to give their child is the freedom of expression.
It is this freedom to express their feelings and thoughts that will give them the confidence to interact with the world and build relationships in life. May it be joy or anger, love or hate – let your child express both positive and negative emotions.
Expressing enhances communication skills: Encourage and respect your child’s decisions, his choice, his opinions, and his viewpoint so that he talks without any reservations. This way he’ll develop confidence to express in front of others, which may be in a debate or in a group of friends.
Expressing leads to better results: Questions answer lots of doubts. So if your child questions a decision you have made, don’t take it as denial of your authority. Listen to the alternative he gives, explain him logically and reach the best solution.
Expressing improves relationships: Freedom will encourage your child to express his real emotions. This space will give your child the courage to tell you what has hurt him, thus giving you an opportunity to clear misunderstandings and strengthen your bond with him.
Expressing releases tension: Don’t curb your child’s aggressiveness, otherwise he’ll either become more aggressive or subdued or nurse feelings of hatred. Do tell your child that what language
is unacceptable and anger doesn’t have to be expressed in action.
Expressing builds self-esteem: With freedom to express, the child feels important, valued and loved. It gives him the satisfaction that he is respected and understood. This will enhance not only his self-confidence but also increase the respect he has for you.