Hurray! It’s holiday time. Time to do all the big and even small things you have wanted to do with your child. Instead of getting stuck with the thought that it’s too hot outside or getting irritated with your child’s constant complaints of boredom or demand for more T.V. time, make the vacations an experience of fun, learning and beautiful moments.
Give him opportunities to acquire lifeskills: Academic pressure leaves not much scope for the child to develop skills like leadership qualities, selfexpression, taking responsibility, problem solving which are assets for the whole life. Help your child form a group of friends and enact a play; hold story telling sessions where each child tells a new story; involve him in small household chores, let him decide menu of the day.
Help your child explore his creativity: Give water colours to your child. Let him use his fingers or brush and paint his imagination. Help him make cards out of dry flowers; design his birthday invitations; make pencil boxes out of old boxes etc. Let him think of new ideas and appreciate his every small contribution. The best encouragement would be implementing his ideas, maybe with some alterations.
Make your child’s holidays thrilling: Arrange pool parties with his friends, let them dance to their favorite music, help him make sandwiches using cutters of different shapes, send them on adventurous camps or trekking trips take him out on picnics, zoo, water parks, house of relatives. While he has all the fun, he will also learn how to share, socialize and respect the feelings of others.
Make your child aware of his role in the society: Utilize this spare time to make your child understand his responsibilities as a citizen and as a part of the society. Give him a patch of garden and guide him how to grow plants. Take him to orphanages or old age homes and donate in cash or kind. Show him how he can form a group, take monthly contribution from that group and donate.
Make your child feel important: Parents usually send away their child to hobby classes to keep them busy during holidays. But vacations are a time for the family to spend quality time together which is not possible in the usual routine. Moreover, when parents get involved directly in their child’s activities, he feels loved and encouraged. Go run your imagination, chalk out activities for your child and have fun with him. You will see him emerge happier, more creative, smarter and yes, much more close to you.